funny how most of the searches for something stupid ends up finding our "fearless" leader
* Pendejo is etymologically related to the Latin pectiniculus, meaning pubic hair or anal hair. It may be translated as asshole in many situations, though it carries an extra implication of rank and willful incompetence.
In Mexico, Central and South America, pendejo refers to a stupid person (as some may observe that anal hair is inundated with feces) although it is a much stonger word in Mexico and Central America than it is in Panama, where, while still impolite, it is not as offensive, specially among younger people. In Peru it means a person who gains benefits from an advantageous situation in an immoral manner. In South America pendejo is also a vulgar, yet inoffensive word, for children. It also signifies a person with a disorderly or irregular life. In Puerto Rico it has different meanings depending on the situation. It can range from "Te cogieron de pendejo!" = "You were fooled!" (e.g. by a conman), to "Qué tipa pendeja!" = "What a bitch!" (e.g. when some unknown woman unexpectedly offends you with no apparent motive, and just leaves turning her back on you).
The next time you feel like complaining....
Remember: Your garbage disposal probably eats better than 30% of people in this world.
Thanks for the Spanish lesson! He's not my fearless leader. Besides, it's easy to be a fearless leader while surrounded by secret service agents and when you have an army at your disposal to do your fighting for you.