At lunch today I went to the grocery store. As at most stores these days there is background music. While I was in the produce section the song "Is this love" comes on, who was that by? White Snake I think. Great song, might even sing along to the chorus outloud if I was in the car. But within 10 feet of me is this long hair in a ponytail down his back, faux distressed jeans with black loafers wearing idiot. And what's he start doing??? Whistling! Not low or faint, but belting it out like Bobby McFarren! And I kid you not this guy was within 10 feet of me the entire length of the song just a whistling away at this song!!! I was about to whip around and yell "knock it off you freak" but the rolling eyes twisted face looks I caught being given by the other customers was worth it. At least worth it to me cause you know people like this...they just don't get it!