depending on where you go, you can adjust your settings where no one can comment or just the people you select can comment. You can even make it hidden where no one but you reads it. Blogging can be a fun way to journal depending on the options of the server. You can add pictures or smileys to add character to it.
About the lurkers who would read, I would say "buyer beware" If you are going to lurk around other peoples blogs and read something that irks you, you have no right to be offended. On that same note, don't put anything down in a blog that can be used against you either. Sure, talk about that argument with your neighbor...but leave out the information if you are going to be going to the gynecologist for amn STD screening.
I know a girl from the MySpace boards who is so young and posts such personal stuff on her blogs I worry about her. She posted a story about how she met a guy online who promised her a huge paycheck for doing a porn film in NYC. He paid her ticket to NYC..she did the her check..and when she went to cash it , the bank did not exist. (You can tell she is young and from the midwest..wouldnt you think cash only for porno would make sense? To me that is like a hooker taking a personal check) THen she talked about how if he can fake a check, he probably faked his negative HIV test results! AYE YAI YAI!! That might be the kind of stuff that is too personal to get posted publicly. But it does make you wonder what people AREN'T SAYING LOL
Geez, Louise! Have you been living under a rock, Wezie? Everyone and their mothers are blogging these days! They've even made headlines. A stewardess was fired for posting provocative pictures in hers and a Starbucks employee was sacked for blogging negative comments about the company. I don't understand why so many feel compelled to air deeply personal stuff in public myself. It's like leaving your diary lying around for anyone to read. Unless you restrict your readership as Krissy said.