Hey Tuna! Welcome to SHH! About those royalties...since my site earns me zero income and I actually pay a monthly fee to rid the place of advertising, I figure you and rusty owe me back pay as compensation for all the fame and notoriety I've brought your way.
The Hive and The Collective are both terms used to describe the Borg which are a Race in the Star Trek Series. they are a threat to good as they bring the innocent into the Hive and make them all a part of the collective. I can't imagine what it would be like to NEVER ever Be Alone.
Yup that was the whole horror of it NEVER being ALONE can you imagine all your thoughts shared? nothing of your own. I myself can't even fathom loosing ones individuality even a little could be harmful .......LOL
LOL Yes That Iam sure would be the case.....however if you think about it, you wouldnt have any thoughts of your OWN anyhow ... its all a rather strange circle CRAZY STUFF!!
I would most assuredly loose my mind if I had to share it with everyone, all those deep dark things that are all my own ....LOL
Well, they must have thoughts of their own before they're incorporated into the collective. But then they're incapable of thinking on their own? So are they told what to think then? Is George Bush a Borg?
The Borg, are many diffrent races all bent into the will of the collective. now that I think about it Iam not sure what an Actual Borg is since they were all at one time Human or another race which was taken and made a part of the borg. I will have to research that one someday ..
I contacted the Borg (we have this mind thing going on) anyhow when I mentioned that you were interested in becoming part of the Collective. They about FREAKED! they said NO, Sorry they have checked out your mind in the past. and found that it might be to dangerous to add that to the collective. then he muttered something about ruining years of work as he ran away.
The poems are the easiest for me since I tend to think poetic ...LOL I had some that were not on there and I lost them when my computer crashed a few months ago. I will have to remember to start backing things up this time around.
We all seem to have to learn the hard way. Damn computers. Everyone seems to lose their hard drive at one time or another. That's why I have two. I routinely clone the main drive so if it dies I can just pop in the clone and only lose whatever I added since my last back-up.
That would work if I had someone to do it for me, I don't understand enough about computers to get into all that sort of stuff.. my old computer had two hard drives in it (a friend did it for me LoL) and that use to get me all mixed around when I was looking for a file. BUT when I crash my system (yes done it a few times in the last 10 or so years) LoL I generally NEED REAL HELP ....lol like starting over and loading my windows etc.
So when you coming over to fix my system up for me?
Oh, a program called Norton Ghost clones the hard drive. I'm not of much use when real problems arise. Luckily I have a friend who is a technician and he's been a savior to me on numerous occasions.