Ohhh will you be sending out applications then for possible "Posse" Peeps? will we have to stand in some long line to be in your "Posse"? you know like they do for sold out movies and shows in the grewling weather. LOL
sometimes a line of One is enough as long as its the right one in line!
Yeah over-rated most "posse" would be, I think thats more a blind faith kind of thing and generally when you follow blindly it could be dangerous...lol
Can it be considered a line if only one person is in it? Have you ever seen one person line dance alone?
Members of posses usually want something, usually a free ride. And if you're going to have blind faith in someone, you better be sure that person isn't an idiot. (Take heed my Republican friends. heh)
What now you want your "Posse" To LINE DANCE! Eeek count me out I dont mind watching line dancing but its really not my cuppa tea. and yes one can Line Dance Alone, but it isnt very pretty to watch.
Again with the EEEEEKK you are speaking such frightful words today Republican!! my mother would dis-own me!!
Often I have to wonder how those who have to believe in our president manage, I mean there fairly intelligent people so Iam very sure they can see just how ignorant he is, can you imagine what it would be like to actually have him as your advisor/commander and chief/leader and yes I realize that he is our LEADER/PRESIDENT but Iam talking about those who have to follow his daily crap or the Soldier who knows that ultimatily he is there master. scary stuff if you ask me! My guess would be that the man might need help dressing himself! and we are letting him run our NATION???
Haha..no, I wouldn't be caught dead line dancing or allow anyone in my posse who wanted to line dance.
Well, if you're a registered Republican you pretty much have to toe the party line no matter who is in charge. Most of them spew out the word liberal like it's a dirty word. I think George wakes up every morning wondering how he got to be president. I bet he's more shocked than we are. For the most part others do his thinking for him. Except for Iraq. That's his baby.
My Mother is Extremely Political but she is a Democrat and if one of her children or grandchildren were to become a republican I can almost assure you of an Intervention! LOL Mom always said I would ALWAYS VOTE for the MAN or WOMEN I felt was best suited for the Job, even if it was a republican BUT there has yet to this day been a republican she has approved of. and as children we were told to vote the same way, but once we actually became old enough to vote IT sort of became a different story. She would get so upset at my brother who use to tease her all the time that he was supporting the republican party (and he very well might have been) he kept his voting practices very HUSH Hush and teased Mom all the time talking the opposite side of each and every argument. about drove her mad. haha
In reality there isn't all that much difference between the two parties as long as they keep getting the bulk of their campaign contributions from the same special interest groups. The parties' obligations then lie with them rather than the voting public.
I think that there is a diffrence between the parties, BUT I do agree with your statement. sometimes its that you have to listen to the person themselves and decide on the lesser of two evils, such is the case more and more lately,
However, I have my own personal next TWO Presidents already picked out. TIME will TELL
Well of course there's a difference, just not as much as most would like to admit. There are several issues the two parties will always be at odds over though.
Actually I think Hillary will take TWO Terms and then there is this young man from Ill I think will take a HUGE active role, he is very charismatic and comes from Mixed Heritage. I believe you will hear and see more and more of him during the next couple campains. I have a great feel about him. and yes I tend to go with my sense or feel whatever you want to call it. sometimes someone comes along and you say I LIKE THEM. without knowing a whole lot about them.
LOL yes Opra is a women and Iam not a HUGE Opra FAN she is a good actress though loved her in the color purple. BUT this is a young Man and I will have to look his name up for spelling since its way Simular to Osama and I don't want to get it wrong, he is maybe early or mid 30s married man who seems to have great ethics and Ideals. I have a really good feeling about him. and since he is mixed We would have to have a Female President before that door would open wide for him. I Have givin this much thought. and IT will work. LOL not that I am anyone, but lets just call it my prediction ok? and if by some chance I turn out right then well who knows I might just quit my day job and start telling fortunes! can I borrow your 8 ball? hehe.
Oh, Barrack Obama. I just looked it up. I'd never heard his first name before. Odd name. He's 45 apparently. I think Colin Powell could have been elected president if he ran and broken the racial barrier. And it would have spared everyone eight years with a dimwit dipshit of a president and a misguided war.
Yup that's him .. so have you ever heard of him before or had the please of hearing him speak? He is really very charismatic. I didnt realize that he was 45 I knew he was young but he even looks younger then that. he has such possibilites Iam sure of it.
I told my Mom that when he gets the chance to run After Hilary that I will even get involved. My Mother is VERY political and VERY involved.
I'd heard of him and knew he was a senator, but that's about it. I don't know much about him. I think your politcal system stinks and needs fixing. Everything should be uniform from ballot design to the polling booths. No one should have to wait in line for nine hours to vote. You sure don't see that in affluent neighbourhoods. Funny, huh?
Well I can't argue that issue with you because your correct. Shhhhh don't tell anyone I said you were correct. heh
Ok way to early I didnt sleep well and I think maybe I can nap now. Hope your Christmas was a lovely one, and may all your dreams come true in the new year.
UNLESS of course your dreaming of skanks again! hehe
Yeah I never made it to the nap, I still need one and its a whole day later. I think maybe I need to spend a whole day in bed resting, this cold is really getting me tired out. I think Iam to tired to make a dream lol Iam now late for work and Iam so sleepy I have showered and all I have to do is get dressed, but as you can see Iam here posting and putting off the whole work thing as long as possible.
Get ye some rest. Your body is begging for some. Rest and plenty of fluids are the best way to deal with colds. You don't want to get too run down and wind up with pneumonia.
I went to bed last night about 11pm which is early for me..haha and took plenty of cold medicine which I dont take very often and slept on and off until about 8am which is really good for me, Iam still tired and not feeling great but I do feel better, Iam off tomorrow so hopefully I will get me somemore rest.
(cough, cough, cough) sips some juice, takes my meds and goes back to bed.
gets back up forgot to wash my hands....haha haha
yeah I know your right, I just get so busy that I wear myself down, yesterday my voice was horrible yet I have to talk at work (although if I dont them maybe no complaints eh? lol)
Hey, even if you get a little anal retentive about prevention, it's worth it when you don't have to spend a few weeks a year feeling like shit. Something like drinking out of the same glass as someone you know has a cold is just stupid.
I agree with you, I just have a hard time taking the time to take care of myself Like today was my day off and I did rest some because I stayed in comfy clothes and worked online at my ebay store. and I did dishes and made homemade meatloaf for dinner taking care not to spread any germs to others so while I didnt get great rest I did take it easy.
Oh No thats no good, Get some rest, drink plenty of fluids and nip it before it bites you!
See I can be nice and I do know how to nurse, hey let me get my nurse uniform and I will be right over, you might have to show me how to check for fevers but my heart is in the right place ....LOL LOL Kidding I know how to take a temp.