Uggh. That can be read one of two ways. I'm hoping you mean you're not sure you can ever put your trust in a guy again. Bad as that may be, it beats being given a STD by someone you thought you can trust.
I mean that I can never trust a man again. Period. I can't see myself ever being in love again...and it's been almost 18 months since I've seen anyone and I like it this way.
Well, it's true that many men are jerks who can't be trusted. It's also true that many women go for guys ignoring all signs that they may not be depended on for a long term commitment. There are nice, faithful guys out there though. You shouldn't abandon all hope just because you got burned by an asshole. Likewise, many men have also been burned by women they thought they can trust.
Yeah yeah, I've heard it all before. I am sorry to say that MOST men are the same, they don't know what love is. They'll even lie about love to get what they want. I just won't be up for it again, not in this lifetime.
I don't know about it being most men, but I know I'm capable of love so I have to disagree. You're still fairly young, so that's a pretty sad outlook if you've already abandoned hope. Maybe the key is not to go looking for love and maybe some day it will find you when you least expect it. *shrug*
Young? Where did you get that idea???? I'm not considered young any more and I just can't take the risks. As for looking, I'm not, and I don't so it won't just happen on me and if it did, I would shrug it off. I can't ever do what I did again; it's too frightening and I doubt that there is such a thing as a real connection or love between two people....especially when a man is involved. I do think there are some out there who can LOVE, but they are hard to find and when you are old, unattractive and have a kid.... see my point?
I think you're younger than me. I can't speak about your attractiveness because I have no idea what you look like. One kid? That shouldn't be that big an issue for some men and could be seen as a bonus by others if they really like you. I understand your cynicism, but that's your decision. I doubt I can convince you otherwise. attracted to women at all? heh
Well, consider giving women a shot...gotta love those curves! heh
I'm 41. Yikes! Where's the time gone? Yeah, I'm in Canada. I'm not sure what that has to do with age though. Are you going to convert your age to metric to compare ours?
To a certain extent that's true, but you can't always get what you want. heh. Younger women may not be as experienced in the sack, or be able to satisfy him intellectually. There has to be more than looks if a relationship is going to last. If an older man wants someone younger, she's also likely to be more high maintenance too. And there are some men who just prefer someone their own age, and some younger men who like older women too.
So was he always an asshole and you thought you could change him or did he morph into an asshole all of a sudden? I really despise the latter type-people who deceive others before unleashing their true selves much later.
If you want to be happy you better stock up on batteries then.
There's nothing wrong with needing batteries or admitting needing them. Most women I've come across seem to be open about using toys. And it has nothing to do with me!
I wish I knew back in high school girls were just about as horny as guys. heh