I've decided to run a Yahoo fantasy football league again this year if enough people show interest. We need an even number of teams, so in case we end up with an odd number, it will be first come, first served. To join, you need to have a Yahoo ID. If you don't have one you can register at the url below.
Click on the appropriate link to join after you've logged in. (Make sure it's for the free leagues.)
Click "Join League"
Click "Join Custom"
You'll need to fill in the league ID and password. (League ID, not the league name!)
League Name: Gridiron Goofs League ID: 565447 Password: football League url: http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/f1/565447
Fill out the required steps to create your team. We'll be having an auto-draft shortly before the season. You can customize your player rankings up to that point, or just trust Yahoo's rankings if you're clueless. It's easy to play, but please don't join if you're not serious about managing your team throughout the season. It's friendly competition, not to be taken too seriously.